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Angelina itri, IBCLC

Hello and thank you so much for visiting! My name is Angelina and I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I had my first baby in 2014 and quickly realized how isolating new parenthood can be without the right support. After seeking out lactation care and finding the community associated with it, I began to feel a passion grow inside me! Breast-feeding, lactation, and anatomy all intrigued me but most importantly the urge to offer new moms the support I knew they needed. I enrolled in the Drexel University Lactation Program and passion drove me through the next 5 years, during which I worked as a night nurse for parents of multiples while caring for and growing my own family, and learning all the while. During my clinical rotations I had experiences in private practice, in patient, and community lactation support.

I finished my Drexel program in 2019 and this is when I became certified as an IBCLC. Shortly after graduating I began working as a private practice lactation consultant in Collingswood, and have done so for the past 3 years. I realized the need for support and lactation care in my hometown and surrounding areas which prompted me to start The Nest. I truly enjoy meeting families where they are, if that means in the comfort of their own homes or creating a warm inviting space for them to visit. I have a strong need to empower new parents to confidently feed their babies however they choose and to support them through the ups and downs of this adventure. I look forward to meeting you and your family and am confident I could be a great addition to your birth/postpartum support team. 




Jenna Bentsen, IBCLC

I’m Jenna! I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, wife and mom of two! 

I know, firsthand, that although breastfeeding is natural - it’s not always easy. Looking back on my breastfeeding and pumping journeys, I recognize the value of education from an IBCLC surrounding milk supply, latch and positioning and all things lactation. To breastfeed my oldest son, I fought for every ounce of milk my body was producing. Then, when it was time to feed my second baby, I was surprised that I had milk to offer but was struggling with pain and discomfort. I worked with an IBCLC in my home and by the end of the consultation, I was inspired to help new parents and babies in their feeding journeys. 

I have been at The Nest since 2022 and I love working in private practice where I have met some incredible families from all over South Jersey. I desire to combine clinical practice with realistic expectations to help families do what works best for them in reaching their feeding goals. I am passionate about prenatal breastfeeding education, community support  and presenting education in a way that’s easy to understand so that when you need guidance, you aren’t overwhelmed. 

I look forward to meeting you at The Nest or in the comfort of your own home!




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